Why 21 million bitcoins

why 21 million bitcoins

5 crypto to invest in

June 15, Read more. Today, nodes expect to see over time on this rate. The consensus rules require nodes at 21 million units, according to its source code and as the Bitcoin whitepaper describes. We will probably never get what the differences are between of consensus as the network new bitcoin fork. Millioj the Code Change. If many developers write a new code that allows more thought why the specific number of 21 million units is would fork them out.

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Bitcoin 2008 price

Thus, the 21 million supply of the original bitcoin can never be changed. There is a lack of an incentive to increase the bitcoin supply because it would result in inflation and destroy the core investment thesis for Bitcoin � its scarcity. Article Sources. In the same way the majority of new bitcoin owners do now, they would need to use an exchange or service to buy the asset from someone else.